Product details
Kela Chiwda is a favourite food of the Jains. They find it to be an ideal, nutritious food during fasting. It is a salty snack made of healthy ingredients and amazing flavours. The ingredients present here are banana, dry fruit, kadipatta, salt and sugar. This tasty Jain Kela Chiwda is one of the popular Jain-friendly food products. Place online order of 200 gm snack at Foodspot. The food contains 0.7 gm protein, 9.5 gm fat and 17 gm carbohydrate. Benefits: Jain Kela Chiwda is a great energy providing food. Chiwda or rice flakes is rich source of carbohydrates Banana is a nutritious fruit – contains Vitamin C, contains manganese which is beneficial for skin Potassium present in banana fruit is healthy for heart; this fruit also aids the digestive system. Dry fruits are super foods that boost up human immunity